Personal Branding

458.68% Increase in Connections

Mr. Aravind Ragunathan, Vice President of Emerging Technologies, is a visionary leader driving innovation. With a passion for expanding networks, he actively seeks meaningful connections to propel the company into new frontiers. His strategic approach and commitment to fostering collaborations make him a catalyst for growth in the ever-evolving landscape of emerging technologies.

The challenge

Limited Online Presence:

Mr. Ragunathan had a basic LinkedIn profile with minimal activity, limiting his visibility within the professional community.

There was a need to strategically position him as an expert in emerging technologies and showcase his leadership in the industry.

Thought Leadership Goals:

As a Vice President of Emerging Technologies, Mr. Ragunathan aimed to share insights, trends, and his vision for the future of technology.

The challenge was to articulate his expertise in a way that resonated with a broad audience, from industry peers to aspiring professionals.

Services Used:

LinkedIn Management
Strategies Implemented:

Business impact

Elevate Professional Presence: As Vice President of Emerging Technologies, Aravind Ragunathan’s personal brand centers on cutting-edge expertise. Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile that showcases his leadership in navigating and implementing innovative technologies. Emphasize his role as a thought leader, sharing insights and engaging with industry trends.

Thought Leadership Content: Establish Aravind as a key opinion leader in emerging technologies by consistently sharing valuable content. Develop a content calendar highlighting his perspectives on industry trends, technological advancements, and strategic insights. This positions Aravind as a go-to source for industry knowledge and fosters engagement within his professional network.

Network Expansion: Leverage LinkedIn to expand Aravind’s network strategically. Connect with industry leaders, professionals, and influencers to broaden his reach. Engage actively with connections by participating in relevant discussions, providing thoughtful comments, and sharing valuable content. A robust network enhances visibility and opens avenues for collaboration.

Showcase Achievements: Highlight Aravind’s professional accomplishments to reinforce his credibility. Regularly update the LinkedIn profile with achievements, successful projects, and milestones. Utilize multimedia elements, such as presentations or videos, to visually showcase his impact in the emerging technologies landscape.

Personal Brand Consistency: Maintain a consistent personal brand image across all platforms. Ensure that Aravind’s LinkedIn profile aligns seamlessly with his professional persona. Use a cohesive visual identity, including a professional photo and a compelling headline that succinctly communicates his role as a visionary leader in emerging technologies. Regularly revisit and refine the personal branding strategy to adapt to industry shifts and personal growth.


Increased Visibility


Expanded Network


 LinkedIn personal branding


Increased Visibility:

Mr. Ragunathan’s LinkedIn profile witnessed a significant increase in views and connection requests.

The optimized profile and consistent content sharing contributed to enhanced visibility within the industry.

Thought Leadership Recognition:

Mr. Ragunathan gained recognition as a thought leader in emerging technologies, with his posts and articles receiving higher engagement and shares.

His perspective on industry trends became sought after, establishing him as an authority in the field.

Expanded Network:

Strategic networking efforts resulted in an expanded professional network, connecting Mr. Ragunathan with key industry players, potential collaborators, and professionals across the globe.


The LinkedIn personal branding campaign for Mr. Aravind Ragunathan successfully elevated his online presence, positioning him as a thought leader in emerging technologies. The increased visibility, expanded network, and positive feedback from the professional community reflect the success of the strategic approach implemented to enhance Mr. Ragunathan’s digital presence.

Positive Feedback and Client Satisfaction:


The client, Mr. Aravind Ragunathan, expressed great satisfaction with the results achieved through the LinkedIn personal branding initiative.

“For almost a year now, my partnership with Right Educate has been an enlightening journey through the digital realm. With their expert guidance, my online presence has flourished, creating a substantial impact on my digital footprint. The services they provide are nothing short of exceptional, and my satisfaction with their results knows no bounds. Right Educate’s meticulous approach has not only increased my visibility, but has also significantly expanded my reach, fostering a thriving online community. I wholeheartedly recommend their unparalleled social media agency to anyone seeking to elevate their digital presence to new heights.”





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